Career Info:
Since 2018 – Working at “Sonia Falcão da Fonseca - Escritório de Advogados”.
2016-2018 – Internship at the Portuguese Bar Association, Regional Chapter of the Bar Association in Porto, at “Joao Mariz & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados, RL”
2015 - 2016 – Employee and Member of Iuris FDUP Junior
2015 - 2016 – Volunteer at the Grupo de Voluntariado GEEA (Volunteer Group)
Academic Background:
June 2021 - Diplôme D’Études en Langue Française - A2 (French Language Certificate – Level A2)
September 2020 - Diplôme D’Études en Langue Française - A1 (French Language Certificate – Level A1)
January 2020 - Master's Degree in Child, Family and Inheritance Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Minho, “A sucessão legitimária enquanto sucessão forçosa: uma questão de (in)justiça material em caso de abandono” (Legitimate and forced succession: a matter of material (in)justice in case of abandonment)
2018- Classes on vocal and body language, at the Portuguese Bar Association - Póvoa de Varzim Chapter, Póvoa de Varzim (Portugal)
June 2016 – BA in Law - Bologna from the Law College of the University of Porto, Porto (Portugal)
2013 - 2014 - Forensic medicine course, under the supervision of Professor Pinto da Costa, with a workload of 10 hours.
January 2011 - Training course on "Mediação para a convivência entre pares" (Mediation for Peer Coexistence), by the Mediation Institute of Lusófona University, Porto and Escola Secundária Eça de Queirós (High School),
2016- Training in business marketing, organised by Iuris FDUP Junior, under the supervision of Ms. Mariana Henriques.
May 2015 - Continuing education course in "Práticas Processuais: Direito do Trabalho" (Procedural Practice: Labour Law), with a workload of 18 hours of classroom training.
Fields of Expertise:
Family Law, Civil Law, Registration and Notarial Law, Criminal Law, Insolvency Law, Property Law, Contract Law, Town and Country Planning Law, Commercial and Corporate Law, Tax Law, Litigation and Court Litigation.
Languages Spoken:
Portuguese, French, Spanish, English
Attendance at several conferences, where the following certificates have been obtained:
Presença no I Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Direito, realizado em Coimbra, participando em debates como: Participation in the 1st National Meeting of Law Students, held in Coimbra, with debates such as: "Reforma do Mapa Judiciário - Justiça de Proximidade" (Reform of the Judiciary - Justice of proximity), "Eutanásia" (Euthanasia), "Adoção por Casais Homossexuais" (Adoption by same-sex couples), "Liberdade de Imprensa e Segredo de Justiça" (Freedom of the Press and Gag Order), "Ensino do Direito em Portugal" (Teaching of Law in Portugal), "Responsabilização Política dos Agentes do Estado" (State and Official Liability) and "Papel da CRP no Paradigma da Austeridade" (The role of the CRP in the austerity paradigm).
Conference on "O projeto de revisão do CPA: Reforma ou Inovação" (The proposed revision of the CPA: reform or innovation)
Participation in the 2nd National Meeting of Law Students, held in Porto International Congress on "Autonomia e Heteronomia no Direito da Família e no Direito das Sucessões" (Autonomy and Heteronomy in Family and Succession Law)
I Joint Colloquium of the Law Colleges of the University of Porto and the University of Macao
Open class on "A Independência de Timor-Leste: Passado, Presente e Futuro" (East Timorese independence: past, present and future)
Conference on "Portugal Porquê? A questão histórica da independência de Portugal" (Portugal Why? The historical question of Portuguese independence)".
Event under the theme "Justiça, Segurança e Tecnologia" (Justice, Security and Technology).
Conference on "A Biometria" (Biometrics)
Participation in various seminars and conferences of the Portuguese Bar Association.